Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our crazy life...

I guess blogging is the thing to do. I threw up a few pictures and thought I would give it a try. So, here it goes.

We have been blessed with 4 beautiful children who are growing up way too fast! Here is a quick update.

Amberlynn is awesome! She is enjoying a lazy summer before beginning 8th grade. She will be going to camp next month. There, she will be able to participate in a variety of water sports. She is so excited she can hardly stand it! She can't wait to go scuba diving and water-skiing.

Kayla is staying busy. This is her 5th year taking tap and ballet, her recital is next weekend. Last week, she had a wonderful time at horse camp. She did a lot of riding, met new friends, and came home totally exhausted!

Lilly just turned 3. She is a bundle of energy and always on the go! Going for a walk, to look for ladybugs, is one of her favorite things to do. You can usually find her playing with baby brother or knocking him over. Yesterday I found her, "look mom he is my pet" as she pulled him by his collar. UGH!

I can hardly believe it, Nate is 9 months already! He is busy exploring the world around him. He is crawling around and pulling up to stand. Sometimes he likes to play with Lilly, but I am sure he can't wait to be able to run from her.

Mike and I are busy as ever! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband and father for our children. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for my beautiful family!

Well I am off for now...


Megan Smith said...

Great job Beth! I'm honored to be the first to comment on your blog!!

Gibson Family said...

Welcome to the blogging world I am so excited to have another blogging friend.

mommyofpierce said...

You have such a beautiful family! I will start a blog someday soon;)
Love you~Steph